Monday, June 10, 2013

Microwave Oreo Nutella cake

I am the queen of microwave baking simply because it is so easy and most importantly economizes on time! I tried this easy and super yummy cake last month when my inlaws were here and everyone polished it off in no time. My parents also visited us and mom specifically requested me to bake it again so that she could take it back to India with her!!

Here are the ingredients you need to keep ready:

Cake flour - 1.5 cups (all purpose flour) + 1 tsp baking powder, sift together
1 cup of Sugar, powdered well
2 tbsps of Nutella
12 Oreos
200 gm of butter plus a little that is melted to make the base
1 Egg

Get started!

Melt a little butter, crush 4 Oreos into a coarse powder and mix together. Press firmly into the bottom of your pre-greased baking dish and set it in the fridge for about 10 minutes to chill well.

Melt the butter in a microwave safe dish and add the powdered sugar, mix well. Now break the egg into this and whisk well for at least 15 minutes by hand or using the electric beater. 

Add the flour-baking powder to this mixture and whisk well. Divide the mix into half. Spread the first half over the Oreo base you have prepared. Separate 3 oreo biscuits and arrange in the way as below, keeping one full oreo biscuit in the middle. 

In the second half of the mixture, add 2 tablespoons of nutella and mix well. Now spread it over the first layer which was prepared. Cover well.

Here's my cake all set to go into the oven. Upturn a tea saucer on the turntable in the microwave (This is to ensure the cake bakes evenly) before you set the dish over it. Bake on High for 6-7 minutes and keep an eye on it constantly. 

...There it's done!!

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