Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Mango Custard Honey Tarts

Mango Custard Honey Tarts:
For the tart cups:
1 packet of marie biscuits or digestive
4-5 tbsp of butter per tart cup.
Tart moulds.
Method : 
To make the tart cups:
Step 1:
Powder the marie biscuits and keep in a bowl. Melt the butter (melt a little extra, in case you need to add some more. Add the butter to the powdered biscuit. Mix well so that it’s moist. Also add a tbsp of honey per tart mould.
Step 2:
Take the tart moulds and line it with Clingfilm. Take sufficient amount of the biscuit mixture and press against the mould. Press hard enough so that it takes the shape of the mould and not so hard that it breaks. Use the back of a spoon to make it easier to level it.
Step 3:
Now put the moulds in the freezer for an hour. Take them out and the hardened biscuit tart cups will easily come away from the moulds. Unmould and keep it back in the freezer. 
For the mango custard :
You can either make custard using the readymade custard powders available in the supermarket or make your own homemade custard. I made some yummy homemade custard.
Here is the recipe:
1 cup Skimmed Milk
1 tsp Coconut extract
3 tbsp firmly packed Brown sugar
2 cup Ripe Mangoes, chunks
1 tsp Lemon juice
1/4 cup Cornstarch
How to make mango custard:
Combine mango chunks, lemon juice and coconut extract and blend until smooth. In small saucepan, combine remaining ingredients. Mix until cornstarch is dissolved. Stir in mango mixture. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until mixture comes to a boil. Continue to cook and stir for 2-3 minutes. Transfer into a bowl and let it cool. Chill thoroughly.

Assembling the tarts.

Step 4 : 
Take out the tart cups, Pour the custard into it ( make sure the custard is properly cooled down, or the tart cups will melt!) . The custard should be thick and should set quickly. It must not be of pouring consistency.
After pouring the custard, put it in the fridge for another 1 hour. Take it out and try touching the top of the custard. It should bounce on your touch and not be gooey.
Step 5: 
If it bounces, it is ready to garnish and serve. Garnish with powdered pistachios or fresh fruits, whatever you desire. 


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